Ankle Mobility, and the Tiny-But-Mighty Rounds

Ankle Mobility, and the Tiny-But-Mighty Rounds

Sometimes the issue runs deep and bigger tools only scratch the surface.

Calves muscles

Take your calves for example.  We have two big muscles, the gastroc and soleus, the bigger muscles that seem to be the entire lower leg.  They cover up all the small muscles of the lower leg, but have big responsibilities. 

If you we’re trying to get deeper in a squat, you might just roll the back of the calves with a big tool, and you’re off to the races.  But in many cases, you’ve got some underlying muscles and fascia that’s holding things back. The weak link in the chain.  

ankle muscle

We're mostly talking about the lower half of the calves (see above).  Both sides are rich with little muscles that help to control the foot and ankle.  Without going to deep into the anatomy, it's a good place to scan, and see if you've got any tension living there.  

These little muscles can hold even the biggest person back from full-body mobility, because having full range of motion at the ankle is so necessary for almost every movement.  

What tools to use for calves & ankle massage? 

The Rounds are the perfect companion to almost every other tool, because they can dive down to the deeper muscles when only a small tool will fit.  

Quick routine to help maximize your ankle mobility.  

Outer calves/shin - See Below

Outer calves/shin

Inner calves/shin - See Below

Inner calves/shin - See Below

Inner foot - See Below

Inner foot - See Below

PS... Don't forget about the lumbricals, which are the tiny muscles in between the foot bones. That's where the Micro Round shines. (See the black round pictured above). 

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